Enrolment information
Principal Tours
Principal Tours are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 2.10pm (school term only).
To book a tour, please check the box on our enrolment inquiry form or phone the front office during school hours.
Enrolment Inquiry Form
In South Australia, public primary schools have one intake date, this means:
- If your child turns five years before 1 May they can start primary school the first day of term 1 of that year.
- If your child turns five on or after 1 May they can start primary school the first day of term 1 of the following year.
The one intake date brings South Australia into line with other states and means every child has four terms of pre-schooling and reception before starting the rest of their schooling.
Your child must be at school by their sixth birthday – this is the compulsory school starting age.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions or require assistance submitting an intention to enrol.
Please complete the form below: